One of my clients recently asked me to avoid the use of URL variables when paging through record sets. He wanted the "clean" URL look. So I converted some code I'd written to the following.
The following code uses a hidden form and some javascript to achieve the first/next/previous/last functionality. It also displays "Showing records X - Y of Z total records"
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
<cfset perPage = 100>
<!--- set defaults --->
<cfparam name="session.lastStartRow" default="1">
<cfparam name="startRow" default="#session.lastStartRow#">
<cfif startRow gt qry.recordCount or startrow lt 1>
<cfset startRow = 1>
<!--- calculate next and previous starting position --->
<cfset nextStartRow = startRow + perPage>
<cfset prevStartRow = startRow - perPage>
<!--- calc the last row for display purposes --->
<cfset endRow = startRow + perPage - 1>
<cfif endRow gt qry.recordCount>
<cfset endRow = qry.recordCount>
<!--- save in case we leave the page and come back --->
<cfset session.lastStartRow = startRow>
<!--- the index of the first row of the LAST page is lastPageStart --->
<cfset lastPageStart = qry.recordCount - (qry.recordCount MOD perPage)>
<!--- output the hidden form used for navigation --->
<cfoutput><form name="frmPage" action="DataTable.cfm" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="startRow" value="1" id="startRow">
<script language="Javascript">
function goPage(startRow) {
// update the form and submit
document.frmPage.startRow.value = startRow;
Save the navigation to a variable so we can
output it above AND Below the content easily.
<cfsavecontent variable="pager"><cfoutput>
Showing records #startRow#-#endRow# of #qry.recordCount#.
<a href="javascript:goPage(1);">First</a>
<cfif startRow gt 1><a href="javascript:goPage(#prevStartRow#);">Previous</a><cfelse>Previous</cfif>
<cfif endRow lt qry.recordCount><a href="javascript:goPage(#nextStartRow#);">Next</a><cfelse>Next</cfif>
<a href="javascript:goPage(#lastPageStart#)">Last</a>
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
<cfoutput query="qry" maxrows="#perPage#" startrow="#startRow#">
<!--- do stuff --->
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